Saturday, December 17, 2011

comfort and joy

Things have been pretty quiet around the Novess household lately. I've been settling into my new work routine, and Ryan has been enjoying his last couple weeks of taking it easy before he leaves for training in Florida on January 2nd. We have, however, been in full Christmas mode and are very much looking forward to the festivities coming up.

I actually put up all our Christmas decorations before we spent Thanksgiving week in Manchester. That way it was done when we got back home the following weekend. This antique door/bench is by far my most favorite piece of furniture I own. I bought it in Florida, and you should have seen my mom and I getting it from the antique store to my condo in my Mustang. Quite. The. Sight. I love, love decorating it for each holiday.

The nativity scene sitting on the bench is so nostalgic, and I adore it. My parents bought all the pieces during their first years of marriage back in 1973, and had even built a manager that was far larger and more elaborate than this one. I'm sad I don't have it anymore...too many moves over the years. I'm thankful my mom gave me this set, as I remember setting it up each Christmastime when I was little and then playing with all the pieces. 

I feel like this weekend is the calm before the storm. We have just a few more presents to buy, and then this coming Thursday after work we will be packing up the car and doggies and driving to Manchester for the week. I'm dern excited Team Detroit closes the week between Christmas and New Year's. I'm so ready for a great week spent with family and friends, and it's the last week Ryan and I have together before he leaves for a month. On Friday, we have our annual Ugly Sweater Christmas Party with our friends. We have a blast every year and it's fun (understatement) to all be together. 

 Ugly Xmas Sweater Party 2007

 Ugly Xmas Sweater Party 2010

We always have some sort of gift exchange at the party, and this year the theme is "homemade under $10". I drew Leigh, who is notoriously hard to shop for, and am overall quite pleased with what I put together. I hope she likes it as much as I do or I might just take it back for myself! (she doesn't read blogs so I'm safe to post a pic)

And after the friend party, it's some much needed family time starting with Christmas Eve at my mom's, Christmas morning with Ryan's family and Christmas afternoon at my dad's. Feeling very content, very happy and very much at peace with all the blessings in my life. Now if only the weather would cooperate and bring us some snow...


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