Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Very Good Welcome Indeed

I've been feeling very blessed this week. I'm loving my new job, and can't help but feel confirmation in the old adage everything happens for a reason. Plus, this morning when I got to work this was waiting for me as a welcome gift:

Hot dog! Love me some red wine!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

So, I Didn't Have the Guts to do it...

No Katie Holmes bob for me. How could I, when as soon as I sat down, the hairdresser said, "I hope we're not cutting your hair, you should totally grow it out!". So, I kept with the tried and true. Went a bit darker and got my much needed bangs back.
PS- this pic update is more for my Mommsy. Since she lives in FL, I have to keep her informed of what her daughter looks like ;)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Five Things

Because I'm at work and I'm bored. Because I have nothing else to write about at the moment. And because why are five random things you may not know about me:
  1. I sucked my finger (not thumb) until I was about 12. No joke. Maybe even older?
  2. I have a vivid, crazy, great imagination. I was the only girl growing up, and played by myself in my room for hours. I didn't need no brothers! To that end, I had a pretend friend named Sesi-go, who I drank after she jumped in my milk one day all because she was a constant source of teasing from my brothers. Sure do miss her!
  3. My parents got divorced when I was little. Like really little- two or three years old. But you know what? I'm not bitter about that. I am who I am today, I'm sitting exactly where I'm sitting right now, because of all the events that have happened in my life, parent's divorce included. And I wouldn't change a thing.
  4. My wedding, whenever that may be ( year???), never leaves my mind. I'm constantly thinking about my ring, my dress, my bridesmaids, the venue, where we're going to come up with the money for this lavish affair, the bridesmaid's dresses, the guest list, the music, what song I want to dance to with my dad, military vs. non military, decor- and on and on and on. But I can bet you money I won't actually start planning it until the day I absolutely HAVE to. I'm a procrastinator. It's just the way I roll. Grace under pressure. Hope I can find a venue that will squeeze me in. (Just kidding about that part. I'm sure I'll reserve the place and put a deposit down, and then procrastinate.)
  5. I'm getting my hair did at 6pm tonight, and I have half a mind to have her cut my hair like this:

I don't think I have the guts to do it. Because after all, when I do get married next year, I'll need longer hair to be able to achieve the look I'm envisioning in my head.

Is it 5:00 yet :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

At The Big House

I had my first U of M tailgating experience this past Saturday. While I tailgated a few times in college, I knew it wasn't anything like what I was about to experience at The Big House.

What. An. Event.

Over 300,000 people. Wild, crazy, emotional and loyal fans. Food, drink, music, and laughter everywhere. Flip cup, corn hole and horseshoes. And the sunshine. Oh what a beautiful day for some football. We got up at 6:30am and didn't get home until after midnight, so no surprise that on Sunday, I slept over 11 hours and was still exhausted! Maybe I'm just getting old ;)

Unfortunately, U of M lost, but at least to another undefeated Michigan team. Had a blast, and will do it again next year!

Jennette and I...loving the weather, friends and football!

Our men...looking good boys!

Fall Colors Make Me Happy

Driving to Ryan's parents house this past weekend, I made Ryan stop so I could snap this pic:

I know, I know. I've already said it many times before. But seriously, when this is what you're surrounded by, how can you not love Fall?


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Saturday at the Mill

A few weekends ago, one gloriously sunny Fall Saturday morning, Ryan took me to the Franklin Cider Mill. I love me some don dons, cider and other mill goodies like no other! And this mill is particularly cute and right on the river. We had fun walking around, taking in all the smells and eating fresh donuts. We bought some fresh bread, summer sausage and a chipotle ranch cheese dip. Afterward we took the doggies for a walk on some trails by the river. It was, my friends, a perfect start to my weekend.