Saturday, March 3, 2012

goodbye city, hello country!

In one short week, the u-haul will be packed and our little home in Royal Oak will be empty. It will be goodbye  city, hello country. Five acres to spread out on rather than a postage stamp sized lot. The dogs will be in heaven, and we simply cannot wait. As excited as we are, there are things about the city that truly will be missed. In no particular order:
  1. Target- there's one in every direction, and the closest is literally a mile and a half away.
  2. Restaurants, bars and night life- take your pick, there's anything to suit your mood. 
  3. My commute to work- 25 mins. Can't beat that. 
  4. CVS/Walgreens- I remember a few months ago when I ran up to CVS (a mile away) at 10pm for some cold medicine. I was home 10 mins later. In Manchester, the closest CVS is...hmmmm...20 mins away. 
  5. Hospitals- our closest hospital right now, is- no joke- within walking distance. When I hit my head, it felt like it took forever to get to the ER (in reality it was only 20 mins), and that was just a small hospital in the next town over. A larger hospitals are 30 to 45 mins away. 
  6. Shopping- one of the best malls EVER is right around the corner. 
  7. Target- oh wait, I mentioned that. 
  8. Grocery stores- West Born, Market Fresh, Kroger, Meijer, Trader Joe's, Whole Foods- take your pick. 
  9. Starbucks- or any coffee house for that matter. Sometimes you just don't feel like making it at home!
  10. Convenience- see 1 through 9. It will be missed!

Our country life is going to be some simple, and I wouldn't trade it for all the convenience in the world. One grocery store, no stop lights, a bar where the locals gather, great schools for our babies, everyone knows everyone. It'll be good to get back to my roots!

Happy Saturday, y'all :)