Friday, September 30, 2011

double date at the (ball) park

A couple of months ago, I walked across the street during my lunch hour and purchased two tickets to the last Tiger's game of the regular season and surprised Ryan with them when I got home. A friend at work, Katie, has season tickets with her husband, and I knew she was going to this game. We've been meaning to get together with our husbands for awhile now, and I thought this would be a great opportunity. A cold beer, dinner beforehand, a Tiger's win...sounds like a good night to me! We had fun, and it was good to finally introduce our husbands.

View of the stadium from GSP

The hubs and me

Justin and Katie

The Tigers won!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

adios, september

I've been a bit stumped lately on what exactly to post. It's not that we don't have a TON going on, because we do, but more like....what's news worthy I really want to recall. September was a busy month for us. We've been heading into Manchester (known affectionately at GSP as "Saint Olaf" or "my hometown") every weekend lately for one reason or another, and both Ryan and I are pretty hectic at work. That makes for tired evenings and not a whole lot of energy to blog.

What astonishes me, though, is that we are ALREADY through September. I've been married for eight weeks, football and U of M tailgating are upon us, and the leaves are changing colors. The days have been cool, they sky has been more gray this month than blue, and pumpkins are decorating my front porch. Although this tends to be one of my favorite times of year in Michigan, I sit here and wonder where in the world my summer went!

So, as another month passes, I welcome you October. Starting with a wedding this weekend, and then on to beautiful colors, pumpkin spice latte, orchards, sweater-weather, boots, endless hours of football and lazy-weekends. Also hoping you bring answers, clarity and a long-awaited gift. Please, and thanks :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

season of change

Wherever you go, go with all your heart. 

I read this the other day on Facebook. That little saying stuck with me and it resonated. I feel as though there are major changes coming in the Novess household and, for once, I've decided to let go of the inner control freak in me and just go with it. I'm thinking positive thoughts daily and trying to put full trust in knowing that whatever is in store for Ryan and me is in fact exactly what is meant to happen. In the meantime, I try not to get overwhelmed by said changes... wanting to be a mom and wondering (constantly) when will that happen. needing to buy a home that can house the family we plan to have.

...but wanting our home to be back closer to friends and family in Manchester.

...but not caring to have the daily commute that would come along with a zip code change of that nature.

...and hoping my husband finds happiness in his career path.

....and needing to keep an open mind about my own.

So for now I'll try to remember things happen for a reason, and wherever life takes us over these next few months, I will go there.

Hopefully with all of my heart.

Monday, September 5, 2011

wedding pictures sneak peek

It's been a little over a month since I walked down the aisle. A day I will remember forever, especially when I have fabulous photos like these to look back on:

What's that? You want more? Ok! Stop by the extremely talented Lindsey Lissau's blog for a little slideshow: