Thursday, January 26, 2012

misc musings

The randoms running through my head:

  • Ryan thankfully comes home on Saturday. On one hand these past three and a half weeks have flown by. On the other, I kinda forget what he looks like it feels like we said goodbye ages ago. 
  • Newlyweds should never have to be separated! 
  • Last night, I realized I really need to step up my blogging. I really love to look back and read past posts, but won't be able to do that if I don't blog more!
  • A week and a half ago, Jennette and I went sledding at her house and I ran into a rock. A nightlong trip to the ER, 13 stitches in my forehead, a tube of Neosporin, and one scar later, I'm healing rather nicely. 
  • I'm loving my new job more and more everyday, and think I have finally found the place I'll be for years to come. I'm in a great role that is perfect for me, my personality and the way I work. 
  • We are moving in a month. OhmygodImalreadystressed, and I just plain detest all that goes into moving to a new home. But I do like purging, organizing and unpacking. Can't wait to settle in and start living our life in Manchester. 
  • About one year ago, I became pregnant. Our baby would have been due in November 2011. If I get pregnant in February, our baby will be due in November 2012. Fingers crossed. Although I must say I never, in a million years, would have thought by now I would NOT have already been pregnant. Just another realization you cannot control the things you think you can. 
  • Last week, I had a dr. apt. and it was the first time I ever had to answer "Ever been pregnant and if so, live birth?" May as well rip my heart out and stomp on it. 
  • I think I kinda miss cooking dinner, and can't believe I just admitted that. 
  • I just answered the Jeopardy final question correctly (Brain Freeze, really?), so I'm feeling pretty dern proud of myself ;) 
And with that, a few pics of the lovely new scar that will be with me for the rest of my life.



  1. Instead of the saying - “"A good friend will come bail you out of jail, but a TRUE friend will be sitting next to you saying...'Damn, that was fun!'"”

    Well let's just replace jail with ER!
    Love you!

  2. Your head is looking much better!
    Ha Brain Freeze....I saw that one too, and thought I might have been watching teen week!
