Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Bad. And the Good.

The Bad:
Our washer hose thing burst last night and flooded our basement.

The Good:
It's an easy fix and nothing down there got ruined. It was just a later-than-usual night at the Noschelman-household. Also, thanks to my brother Patrick, there were three sets of hands on deck to help clean.

The Bad:
It's a rainy day outside. Not only does it make me want to sleep, but it means eight little paws to wipe off each and every time the dogs go in and out.

The Good:
I awoke to an awesome thunderstorm.

The Bad:
I'm leaving my current job for a new one in a few short weeks. Helllllo learning curve.

The Good:
I have a new job, it's a permanent one, and I'm so dern excited about it. Good things ahead!

The Bad:
I have to go to the Secretary of State tonight to register my car and get MI plates. Long lines are in my future.

The Good:
I brought my book to read so hopefully time passes quickly, and after this, I can renew by mail and never have to step foot in the S.O.S. again (well, that's an exaggeration, but at least I won't have to go for a long while).

The Bad:
It's only Wednesday.

The Good:
It's already noon on Wednesday. That much closer to the weekend, and my upcoming
Dallas trip. Woop woop!

Moral- you can get something good out of any situation. That's my story and I'm sticking to it :)

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