Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Outside at the Noschelman's (and other random musings)

Last weekend was a fellow Mitten Kitten's 30th b-day celebration back near my hometown of Manchester. Since we live about an hour away, Ryan and I often just spend the night with the Novess', friends' or at my dad's when we go into town (which feels about every weekend!). The party was literally a stone's throw from my childhood home, so I stayed there for the night. Before I left on Sunday, I packed up some plants and flowers from my stepmom's garden. Mary has the greenest thumb known to man, and she has so many flowers that she constantly has to thin them out. My front flower beds needed a little pick-me-up, so I happily nabbed some things to plant. Keep your fingers crossed they don't die on me- my thumb is still on the brown side! Here's a few pics of our little home from the outside. Inside pics to come! NOTE: we live smack dab in the middle of the city. Homes are small bungalows, lawns are postage size and you better love your neighbors cause you're awfully close! But it's without any uncertainly that we will be settling in the country permanently within a few years, so for now, this works for us and I'm just in love with our little home.

You can't see them cause they are so small at this point, but there are little cactus flower plants next to each of the solar lights.

I'll take follow-up pics once things perk up and flourish!

Hi, Doggies!

Standing at front door looking out.

And to completely switch subjects, here's some recent happenings at the Noschelman household:

  • I have had two phone interviews, one assessment test and one appointment for a face to face interview set up within the past five days. Woot woot! I feel a job coming on!
  • Busy, busy, busy is what we're feeling right now. With the Fourth coming up, there are people to see and things to do! My mom arrives on Thursday- yay! And another Mitten Kitten is visiting from Texas. In the next few days I'll be catching up on lost time with some besties and my mom, spending time at the lake, going to a Tigers baseball game, attending summertime cookouts and watching the fireworks in my small hometown.
  • My hair, though a little shorter than I originally thought I was going to go, turned out cute. Whew...

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