Saturday, December 17, 2011

comfort and joy

Things have been pretty quiet around the Novess household lately. I've been settling into my new work routine, and Ryan has been enjoying his last couple weeks of taking it easy before he leaves for training in Florida on January 2nd. We have, however, been in full Christmas mode and are very much looking forward to the festivities coming up.

I actually put up all our Christmas decorations before we spent Thanksgiving week in Manchester. That way it was done when we got back home the following weekend. This antique door/bench is by far my most favorite piece of furniture I own. I bought it in Florida, and you should have seen my mom and I getting it from the antique store to my condo in my Mustang. Quite. The. Sight. I love, love decorating it for each holiday.

The nativity scene sitting on the bench is so nostalgic, and I adore it. My parents bought all the pieces during their first years of marriage back in 1973, and had even built a manager that was far larger and more elaborate than this one. I'm sad I don't have it anymore...too many moves over the years. I'm thankful my mom gave me this set, as I remember setting it up each Christmastime when I was little and then playing with all the pieces. 

I feel like this weekend is the calm before the storm. We have just a few more presents to buy, and then this coming Thursday after work we will be packing up the car and doggies and driving to Manchester for the week. I'm dern excited Team Detroit closes the week between Christmas and New Year's. I'm so ready for a great week spent with family and friends, and it's the last week Ryan and I have together before he leaves for a month. On Friday, we have our annual Ugly Sweater Christmas Party with our friends. We have a blast every year and it's fun (understatement) to all be together. 

 Ugly Xmas Sweater Party 2007

 Ugly Xmas Sweater Party 2010

We always have some sort of gift exchange at the party, and this year the theme is "homemade under $10". I drew Leigh, who is notoriously hard to shop for, and am overall quite pleased with what I put together. I hope she likes it as much as I do or I might just take it back for myself! (she doesn't read blogs so I'm safe to post a pic)

And after the friend party, it's some much needed family time starting with Christmas Eve at my mom's, Christmas morning with Ryan's family and Christmas afternoon at my dad's. Feeling very content, very happy and very much at peace with all the blessings in my life. Now if only the weather would cooperate and bring us some snow...


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

life at team detroit

  1. 1,400 people working on one account (Ford). Talk about being a small fish in large pond.
  2. Process, process, process- JIRA, STEP, Microsoft Project, STUFF, Ricochet, PeopleSoft. Will I ever keep it all straight?
  3. Don't feel like going out to eat or didn't pack your lunch? Head down to OTL, the onsite cafeteria that, surprisingly, serves up really good food. 
  4. I sure hope I don't need to have a private conversation. It's an open environment, barely any offices (it doesn't matter who you are) in this place. 
  5. Trying to keep all the conference rooms straight, or trying to locate them, is a job in and of itself. 
  6. I get plenty of exercise walking to the bathroom multiple times a day.
  7. The agency was voted as Top Ten coolest agencies to work at in Ad Age's annual poll.
  8. My commute, for now, is amazing. Twenty minutes in the morning, 30-35 mins in the evening. I will be in for a rude awakening once we move out to Manchester in March. 
  9. I should probably take advantage of the free exercise classes they offer. 
  10. I miss my beautiful, new Mac laptop I had at GSP  :(

Overall, I feel incredibly happy and at peace with my decision to leave GSP. I think this agency is a good fit for my personality and work ethic, and I'm looking forward to many, many successful years here :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

opportunity knocked so we opened the door

As I recently mentioned (HERE), there are a lot of changes coming in the Novess household. The first of which happens this week. On November 18th, I had my last day at Goodby, Silverstein and Partners and thus begin my new job at Team Detroit tomorrow. I am so happy for my time spent at GSP, but I knew it just wasn't the long-term job for me. It is a FABULOUS agency filled with AMAZING people. I was sad, very sad, to say goodbye. But I'm hoping this new gig at Team Detroit brings a little more structure and process. I'm not nervous...this is the third new job I've started in a year and a half. However, I am not looking forward to being the new girl. Again. Here's to hoping everyone is nice ;)

Meanwhile, Ryan is enjoying his last month of freedom before he starts his new job in January. He will spend the whole month of Jan. in Florida for training. Let's just say I am trying not to be green with envy! I am very happy for him, though. This is a great opportunity for him and us.

So, more later this week on my new job. Now it's time to get motivated. I need to head to the SOS office to officially change my last name (finally) and then go shopping. Can't start a new job in the same ol clothes I already have!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

so thankful

Thankful that on this day one year ago, my best friend asked me to marry him.

Thankful that eight months after that, we were able to be surrounded by all those nearest and dearest to us while we said "I Do". 

Thankful to spend every Thanksgiving with my in-laws, who are really much, much more than that.

Thankful that next week, I get to embark upon a new adventure at another ad agency, and in January, Ryan begins his journey with a new company. So, so incredibly blessed to have amazing career opportunities during this time. 

Thankful for my girlfriends, who are family.

Thankful for my nieces and nephew- they make me smile. 

Thankful for my doggies, the goofiest two boxers around. They constantly make me laugh. 

Thankful for this beautiful, sunny day. In November, in Michigan, you can't ask for more.

Thankful for the blessings we receive. Daily. All the time. Never taken for granted. 

Happy Thanksgiving   :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

taking off my blinders...or trying to, anyway

Coming into my marriage, I (foolishly) thought I pretty much knew Ryan like the back of my hand. Sure, there would be certain jobs, new homes, babies, ups & downs...that would cause us to love, laugh, fight, learn and explore. But I thought the basics were down. However, this past week, I was proven wrong.

When faced with things that are tremendously sad, I put my blinders on. I ignore the circumstance and act like it just doesn't exist. I remember when my Grandma was sick, and ultimately living her last few months, people would ask me how she was doing. I'd shrug and say "she's fine", and never elaborate. I just didn't want to think about it. It was so much easier for me to pretend she was ok.

Enter Tuesday night. I knew Ryan spent some time occasionally volunteering at at local dog rescue. I also know this is something he is passionate about (the time he brought home a third boxer while we were living in Memphis is a whole other post!). He wants to, needs to, help these poor doggies in need. To most, it comes as no secret that Ryan and I love our dogs as if they were people. So when I think of all the dogs out there wandering the streets, cold and hungry, or who have a home but are mistreated, my heart literally aches. But not Ryan. Whereas I turn my head to things that make me uncomfortable or things that make me want to burst into tears, I realized these are things Ryan faces head on. But what I didn't know is how strong his desire is to actually make a difference. By taking my blinders off, we really talked, for the first time, about his experiences and I learned the extent of how much he gives. This man volunteers at a rescue, donates food, and as of recent, wanders the streets of metro Detroit looking for specific dogs that need to be saved before they are captured and taken to the Humane Society and euthanized.

Last night, we attended a fundraiser put on by Better Life Canine Center, the rescue group where Ryan volunteers. I met so many amazing people who give their time, energy, money and heart to dogs in need. More importantly, I came to see that by stripping the blinders, I can actually help in my own way. It's likely that I won't be out there on the front lines like Ryan, but what I can do is be more understanding and supportive of his drive to want to make a difference. Because these dogs on the streets, who are malnourished, mistreated and hungry, need him.

I"m so proud to call this man my husband, and couldn't be more thankful now more than ever to realize how blessed I truly am.

Monday, November 14, 2011

save the earth, plant a tree

A few weeks ago, the Hubs and I went out to my dad's to collect some random trees that have sprouted throughout his property with the intent to move them over to the in-laws. These trees have been growing for a couple of years and Farmer E just didn't have the heart to pull them, but with 10 acres of woods, certainly doesn't need them. My fabulous in-laws live on 10 acres as well, but their property doesn't have quite the same tree content. So this weekend, we headed to Manchester (big surprise) to get the trees in the ground. The poor babies were living in buckets in the city, and with winter knocking on our door, I knew they needed to get in the ground. Luck was on our side, as the weather this past Saturday was 60 degrees and sunny.

I love the country. Can't wait to ditch my city life and raise some babies where they can run!

 cutie nephew Wes pitched in

 the doggies just love the country, too

wide open spaces- they are in HEAVEN 

It amazes me in 20 years, I will look at these trees and remember the day we planted them. I will watch them grow and flourish. They will, one day, provide shade for our kids and dogs to play beneath on hot summer days. And during Fall, will dot the landscape with beautiful colors. Grow babies, grow!

A huge thanks to the Hubs who did all the work while I mostly played.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

moving on

I am a statistic. Like it or not, I fall into that one-in-four-women category. Earlier this year, Ryan and I suffered the horrible loss a miscarriage brings to a couple. It was a sad, emotional time, but true to fashion and practicing what I constantly preach, in the months following I reminded myself that things happen for a reason. As it turns out, I was right. Our miscarriage was God's way of working out a bad pregnancy and a way to bring Ryan and I together like nothing we had yet to experience. But it doesn't take the sting away nor make the hurt any less severe.

So as I sat in the doctor's office many months ago, I was warned. One more milestone to hit. "It's going to be a tough one and a sad one, so be prepared." He was referring to what would have been my Due Date: November 10, 2011. The naive side of me actually thought (hoped) the day would pass without any recognition. Time heals all wounds, right? Well, no such chance.

I've been feeling a little sad this week and, well...alone. Which is silly. I have Ryan, and my closest friends have already reached out to me. However, what I don't have is a baby bump. Or a newborn to hold and nuzzle. Or a nursery awaiting it's newest arrival. Instead I am left with an ache deep in my heart while we try, try again. And the irony that something can come so easily when you least expect it. I know I will get pregnant again and it will be a perfectly normal, healthy pregnancy. I'll give Ryan a beautiful child and I'll become a mommy. But for now, I'm going to give myself this day to be sad, and maybe a little lonely. I will mourn what didn't become, think about what should have been and welcome the grief rather than shoving it to the side.

Then I will move on.

And concentrate on all the blessings 2012 will bring our way.

Monday, November 7, 2011

on my babies before the baby

I've been told, on more than one occasion and by more than one person, that family pets oftentimes fall to the wayside once children enter the picture. If you know me, then it is no secret my two dogs are, well, my babies. Kaia and Boomer are true members of our family. Ryan and I love them to pieces and spoil them rotten. They go everywhere we go, sleep in our room and sit with us on the couch. They are my constant shadow, and when they are not at home but I am, the house is too quiet and too still. I firmly believe those who do not agree a dog is your best friend simply never had one. 

So I promise when the time comes and I am feeling overwhelmed as a new mom, and I'm lacking sleep, and I have no idea what I'm doing, and struggling with finding my way on how to do it all, I will look back and remember that they captured my heart first. These two goofs are our constant companions. Our guard dogs. And loyal beyond belief. So I will try to return all this when a baby comes along and my priorities get shifted elsewhere. 


All I need to know, I learned from my dogs:
  • Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
  • Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
  • When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
  • When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.
  • Let others know when they've invaded your territory.
  • Take naps and stretch before rising.
  • Run, romp and play daily.
  • Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.
  • Be loyal.
  • Never pretend to be something you're not.
  • If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
  • When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.
  • Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
  • Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
  • On hot days, drink lots of water and lay under a shady tree.
  • When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
  • No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and right back and make friends.
  • Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.



Thursday, November 3, 2011

addicted... my crock pot. What a glorious invention. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

farmer e

My dad is a wannabe farmer. He is "allowed" one herd/flock/gaggle/pack of whatever-animal-of-his-choosing per year. This year he chose chickens of the egg-laying variety, and currently has more eggs than he knows what to do with. Ryan and I stopped by today scored:

  1. A dozen eggs (farm fresh!)
  2. Homemade salsa (to die for)
  3. Maple syrup (made from the trees out back)
  4. Freshly pressed cider (that I promptly spiked)
  5. Oak tree saplings (to plant at the in-laws and The Greens)
  6. Walking stick (don't ask)
Gotta love Farmer E. 


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

the road home

If you would have asked the 22 through 26-year old me if I'd ever leave Florida and move back to Michigan, my adamant response would have been "no way!".

If you would have asked the 28-year old me if I'd ever leave Memphis and move back to Michigan, my enthusiastic response would have been "some day!".

If you ask the present day, 31-year old me to leave Royal Oak and move back to my born-and-raised-place-where-I-graduated-high-school hometown of Manchester, I basically scream "YES! WHEN!".

It's funny how things come full circle and how much your perspective on things change. I move almost 1500 miles away, end up falling in love with a guy I went to high school with (who, mind you, does not even LIVE in that state), move halfway home, then finally head back to my homestate, and now ache to get back to the place where I started from. What happened that made me never want to leave Florida to all of sudden needing to get back to Manchester?

Well...I grew up. I met the man I knew I was going to marry. I realized there is no other place I'd want to raise my family than the same exact place I was raised. Surrounded by family, friends and good people. Back to the place that built and shaped me, so I can instill the same values and traditions in my children.

So...we're doing it, folks. We're moving.

And we're moving home.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

misc musings

  1. I've finally joined Pinterest. Why in the WORLD did it take me so long to give in. It's ah-mazing.
  2. Holy cow- I can cook. And I can cook good food that Ryan actually wants to eat. Heck, he devours! Not to mention, I enjoy cooking- it brings me so much satisfaction to know that I can take raw ingredients and feed myself and my man. I made some fabulous things this past weekend. So much so that tonight we have to have leftovers- no room in the fridge for more!
  3. We're heading to Chicago this weekend to see these fine people. Looking forward to escaping for a mini getaway with my Hubs. Mark did his undergrad at MSU, so it will be fun to watch the MI vs. MI State game with them. And I can't wait to meet their precious daughters. 
  4. Tori Spelling just had her third child. A girl. For those of you who know me, you'll know this is a big deal. Since she's pretty much my BFF and all. 
  5. I haven't written my thank you cards yet for all the wonderful wedding gifts we received. I feel so ashamed, but I tell ya- there is a good reason for it. I'm waiting on my disk of pics so I can order TY cards online. Jennette tells me as long as I get them out by Thanksgiving, I'm in the clear. Hope she's right!
  6. This past weekend, we made it to Eastern Market, the cider mill and took the dogs on a nature walk. Unfortunately, the Indian corn I bought for my front porch was eaten by squirrels. Dern you city squirrels! They have no fear. Neither does the rabbit living under our back deck. 
  7. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go peruse the Internet so I can pin some beautiful things to my boards.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

because i always want to ode to my engagement & wedding planning

Like most girls, I literally had been dreaming about my wedding day for about as long as I can remember. Yeah, um...that would be about 30 years! So many questions, so many details, so many thoughts running through my head over the years. Who will be my groom? What type of gown will I wear? How many guests will be in attendance? Where will it be? What will we eat? For as many years as I thought about this day, I surprised myself when the time finally came to start the planning. Let me back up.

Ryan proposed in a simple, sweet way that was totally him, and totally us. We were at home, rushing around the house trying to pack up and head out to Manchester for the long Thanksgiving weekend. We had both worked that day and were running behind schedule as we wanted to spend some time with his parents before we headed out with friends that night. I got home from work first, and Ryan arrived about 15 mins later. The first thing I noticed was his mood. He was almost giddy, but was a long weekend and we were about to spend it with family and friends. Second, while I was running around packing, I noticed that he was spending an awful a lot of time in our study, and it sounded like he was rummaging for something. I was concentrating on getting our stuff together so we could leave, so didn't really put much thought into what he was doing. The last thing I needed to do before we walked out the door was change. While I was getting ready, Ryan walked into our bedroom just as I was about to pick my jewelry for the night. We always joke that of the two of us, he's more fashionable. Weird- but true. So I held up two necklaces and asked for his opinion. He started walking over to me and I thought "wow, he's taking this question awfully seriously!" as I was thinking he wouldn't really care and just point to one. He came over and said "I think you need to wear whatever one looks good with this." and He stood there holding the most GORGEOUS ring I have ever seen. I'm not sure what he said next- something about me being his wife, something about loving me and, well, I don't even know- as I just remember happiness. I was surprised. I never in a million years would have thought my engagement would happen on a random Wednesday evening while I was rushing about the house. But I loved this man before me. I loved this ring he presented me with. I loved how proud I felt that I got to say he was mine and I was his. And, let's be honest, I loved how that ring looked on my hand! I was so happy Ryan proposed to me when it was just the two of us. It was an intimate moment, and although I had thought about how I would be proposed to many, many, many times before this moment, I didn't know how I'd actually feel at that time. I felt it was a moment meant just for us. It was perfect. Later that night we were able to celebrate with friends and family. I was in heaven. I had the man, I had the ring, and I had the plans already in my head.

Only once I got into wedding planning, I realized I really didn't want to be doing it. What?! I just spent the better part of 30 years planning my wedding in my head! But when it came down to it...I just didn't...want to spend my days and hours...planning. We found a venue while searching "northern Michigan weddings" online that we thought was perfect, visited it and booked that same day. I called a lady about a cake, liked what she had to say and hired her. I didn't even have a florist lined up until 3 weeks before the wedding. My dress was ready only one week before the wedding. I almost chose an invite because I didn't want to look anymore. My mom asked me to make decisions so she didn't have to. I never worried because I knew my mom was worrying enough for the both of us. In the end, what I wanted most was what I concentrated on. My man waiting for me at the alter. My dad to walk me down the aisle, give me away and dance with me to a sweet song. Good food, endless drinks, memories. An intimate gathering of my most favorite people in the world. And that is exactly what I got. The details (though don't get me wrong, were beautiful) just didn't matter as much as I thought they would. And I wouldn't have had the day go any other way.

For the past couple of months, I realized I want to remember most just two things. The first being how romantic my engagement period was. I don't ever remember a time being more in love with Ryan. There was something so sweet about looking at him and realizing this was it. This was the man meant for me, and I was the girl meant for him. That of everyone else in the world, we were it. We had fun planning the wedding and rarely fought about any of the details. I loved him and was ready to spend the rest of my life with him. The second thing I want to remember is the way I felt when I walked down the aisle on my dad's arm. I don't EVER remember feeling so...happy. It was blissful. And I never, ever want to forget that. I was surrounded by my best family and my best friends and I was in love. I had never before experienced such intense feelings. Happiness, with all of my heart.

So now I sit here, a married girl who is ready for whatever it is life will bring my way next. And I gotta say...I'm pretty darn excited.


Friday, October 7, 2011

no plans can lead to a busy weekend

For the first time in what seems like months, we have no plans set in stone for this coming weekend. The weather is going to be absolutely beautiful and I have Monday off, so it's going to be just me and the Hubs. And the pups :)

I think we'll start by hitting up Eastern Market tomorrow morning. Looking forward to fresh produce and some fall decor for the front porch.

We will likely take the dogs to Kensington Metropark and walk around the lake.

Hopefully a trip to the Franklin Cider Mill pans out. Love me some cider and don dons.

Annnnnnd....I should probably do some cleaning around the house. And cook- I've got some yummy things planned. And watch football. And watch our Tiger's kick some Texas butt. And drink wine.

Can't wait!

Friday, September 30, 2011

double date at the (ball) park

A couple of months ago, I walked across the street during my lunch hour and purchased two tickets to the last Tiger's game of the regular season and surprised Ryan with them when I got home. A friend at work, Katie, has season tickets with her husband, and I knew she was going to this game. We've been meaning to get together with our husbands for awhile now, and I thought this would be a great opportunity. A cold beer, dinner beforehand, a Tiger's win...sounds like a good night to me! We had fun, and it was good to finally introduce our husbands.

View of the stadium from GSP

The hubs and me

Justin and Katie

The Tigers won!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

adios, september

I've been a bit stumped lately on what exactly to post. It's not that we don't have a TON going on, because we do, but more like....what's news worthy I really want to recall. September was a busy month for us. We've been heading into Manchester (known affectionately at GSP as "Saint Olaf" or "my hometown") every weekend lately for one reason or another, and both Ryan and I are pretty hectic at work. That makes for tired evenings and not a whole lot of energy to blog.

What astonishes me, though, is that we are ALREADY through September. I've been married for eight weeks, football and U of M tailgating are upon us, and the leaves are changing colors. The days have been cool, they sky has been more gray this month than blue, and pumpkins are decorating my front porch. Although this tends to be one of my favorite times of year in Michigan, I sit here and wonder where in the world my summer went!

So, as another month passes, I welcome you October. Starting with a wedding this weekend, and then on to beautiful colors, pumpkin spice latte, orchards, sweater-weather, boots, endless hours of football and lazy-weekends. Also hoping you bring answers, clarity and a long-awaited gift. Please, and thanks :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

season of change

Wherever you go, go with all your heart. 

I read this the other day on Facebook. That little saying stuck with me and it resonated. I feel as though there are major changes coming in the Novess household and, for once, I've decided to let go of the inner control freak in me and just go with it. I'm thinking positive thoughts daily and trying to put full trust in knowing that whatever is in store for Ryan and me is in fact exactly what is meant to happen. In the meantime, I try not to get overwhelmed by said changes... wanting to be a mom and wondering (constantly) when will that happen. needing to buy a home that can house the family we plan to have.

...but wanting our home to be back closer to friends and family in Manchester.

...but not caring to have the daily commute that would come along with a zip code change of that nature.

...and hoping my husband finds happiness in his career path.

....and needing to keep an open mind about my own.

So for now I'll try to remember things happen for a reason, and wherever life takes us over these next few months, I will go there.

Hopefully with all of my heart.

Monday, September 5, 2011

wedding pictures sneak peek

It's been a little over a month since I walked down the aisle. A day I will remember forever, especially when I have fabulous photos like these to look back on:

What's that? You want more? Ok! Stop by the extremely talented Lindsey Lissau's blog for a little slideshow:

Saturday, August 13, 2011

blog revival

So, I wasn't true to my word. I started a new job almost a year ago, got busy and neglected my blog. Not my fault! Life just got in the way. That's a bit of an understatement, seeing as though I got engaged, planned a wedding and walked down the aisle all within 8 short months. Best eight months of my life! And now that I'm a married lady, I think it's high-time I pick this blogging business back up. 

Stay tuned!